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September 27, 2024

Slack Integration

Create Slack channel for each onboarding project

Keep your team informed with real-time updates in Slack channels for customer onboarding projects.

Scope will automatically manage Slack channels:

  • Create a channel in Slack whenever a new onboarding project is created in Scope
  • Automatically archive the channel when the project is archived in Scope
  • Add members to the channel when they are added to the project in Scope
  • Automatically include Slack members which you want to add who are not Scope users.

This feature helps your team stay organized and connected throughout the onboarding process.

Create Slack channel for each onboarding project

Slack canvas with project status, progress, and other information

Scope will now automatically create a channel canvas in Slack with project information, progress, and insights about due or blocked tasks, and keep it updated in real time.

Your team doesn’t even need to open Scope to see project details - they can view everything directly in Slack.

Slack canvas with project status, progress, and other information

Dedicated Slack channel for high-level updates across all projects

Sometimes, team members don’t need all updates from every project but still want to stay informed about key events, such as changes in project progress, project delays, completions, or changes to planned launch dates.

For these cases, Scope can create a dedicated Slack channel that provides only high-level updates about all active projects.

Dedicated Slack channel for high-level updates across all projects

Reply on project and task comments directly in Slack

Now, you can reply to project and task updates directly from Slack. Any message you leave in Slack channel will automatically be sent as a message in the project chat. You can also reply in threads to task updates or messages, and your response will appear in the task chat.

If you communicate with customers using email, Scope will send them email notifications about all these messages. This ensures your customers stay informed and can easily respond.

Reply on project and task comments directly in Slack

Use Slack Connect for efficient collaboration

Do you use Slack Connect to collaborate with customers? Scope can automatically invite your customers to the Slack channel created for their onboarding project.

This allows your customers to stay updated with project insights, receive activity notifications, and communicate with you effortlessly within the project context.

Use Slack Connect for efficient collaboration
September 26, 2024
Customer engagement

Collect data with powerful custom forms

We're excited to introduce an incredibly important feature for customer onboarding – Custom Forms. Start gathering customer information more quickly and accurately with Scope's powerful and flexible forms.

Create questionnaires to accurately collect information

With Custom Forms, you can easily gather the exact information you need for a smooth onboarding process. For example, create forms for your sales team to capture essential details like customer goals, key contacts, requirements, and upselling opportunities when the customer transitions to the implementation stage.

You can also ask your customers to fill out forms, like sharing details about their current processes or integration needs.

Automate the process by scheduling these forms to be sent on specific days in your onboarding plan or after completing certain steps.

Create questionnaires to accurately collect information

Save forms as templates for repeatable use

Create forms once and save them as templates to use when you needed. This way, you can easily use the same form for similar onboarding plans without having to recreate it each time. It’s an easy way to save time and keep things organized.

Save forms as templates for repeatable use

Share forms with customers

Easily share forms with your customers by automatically sending them an email when it’s planned. Scope will send the form submission request and follow up with reminders based on very flexible reminder settings, ensuring you get the information you need on time.

Share forms with customers

Mark tasks as done when forms are submitted

Move to the next onboarding steps without delays by automatically closing the task when the form is submitted and notifying everyone about the next actions they need to do.

Mark tasks as done when forms are submitted
September 25, 2024

Automate everything in your onboarding projects and reduce delays

Scheduled emails

Plan to send informational emails to your customers during onboarding projects. You can schedule these emails for a specific day of the onboarding process or after certain events. Here are a few use cases where they can be very useful:

  • Send pre-training materials before the training call;
  • Share useful articles or videos during the second week of onboarding;
  • Congratulate customers after going live.

Create these emails in project templates and schedule them automatically when you launch new customer onboarding project.

Scheduled emails in Scope

Dynamic task start and due dates

Avoid delays by using dynamic task start dates instead of fixed dates. For example, imagine you assign a task for your customer to complete a questionnaire, giving them 5 days to do it. Once they finish, the next task is to schedule a kick-off call. Rather than setting the call task to start on a fixed date (e.g., the 6th day of the project), you can set it to start dynamically the day after the previous task is completed. If the customer completes the questionnaire sooner, the next task starts earlier, and they will be notified automatically. This ensures smoother and faster progress.

Dynamic task start and due dates in Scope

Relative start and due dates for tasks

When creating tasks in templates, you might not know the exact start or due dates, but you know when tasks should happen in the project timeline. With the relative start and due dates feature, you can set these in your templates.

When you create a new project, the relative dates automatically turn into specific dates based on the project’s start date. Scope will skip weekends to calculate all dates using business days only. This makes it easy to set up and manage tasks while keeping your timeline accurate.

Relative start and due dates for tasks in Scope

Dynamic texts for personalization

Create personalized task descriptions, greeting messages, and scheduled emails using variables. Include the viewer's first and last name, project details, customer information, and task properties to generate dynamic text. This makes your communications more relevant and engaging for your customers.

Dynamic texts for personalization in Scope

Team and customer roles

By using team and customer roles in project templates, you can quickly assign all project tasks to the right people when setting up a new project. This makes task assignment fast and accurate from the start.

Team and customer roles in Scope
September 24, 2024
Customer engagement

Drive customer engagement with easy-to-use quick actions

Very often, during onboarding, your customer needs to perform simple tasks, such as scheduling a meeting, uploading documents, reading documentation, approving something, or requesting changes, etc. Scope allows you to create such Quick Actions in tasks, providing your customers with the easiest way to do these actions.

Schedule a meeting

Ask your customer schedule a meeting using attached Calendly. For example, when you need ask your customer attend kick-off call you can just create task with this action.

Schedule a meeting - quick action for customer onboarding

Action buttons

Every time when you want to ask customer to open some link to do something, you can use Action buttons for this. For example, ask to Read API documentation, Provide API Key to secure storage, Watch product demo, etc.

Action buttons - quick action for customer onboarding

File requests

Easiest way to ask you customer to upload any type of resources which you are waiting from them.

File requests - quick action for customer onboarding


When you need approve something during onboarding, for example, accuracy of data migrated from legacy software you can have a lot of back-n-force communication.

Approvals - quick action for customer onboarding

Emails for each type of action ensure clear communication and drive action

Emails for each type of action ensure clear communication and drive action
September 23, 2024
Customer-Facing Portal

😍 Brand new Customer-Facing Portal

😍 Brand new Customer-Facing Portal

New greeting slides with a welcome kit and team introduction

First impressions are very important. When your customer opens the customer portal for the first time, they will see a beautiful slider featuring:

  • A greeting message from the project owner with attached resources, such as a Getting Started Guide. Use this as your welcome kit, which you want to share with your customer first.
  • Your team introduction who will be working on the onboarding with the customer. The customer will find their emails, phone numbers, links to book meetings, and even details about team member's responsibilities that they wish to share with the customer.
New greeting slides with a welcome kit and team introduction | Scope

Focus on what customer needs to do next

It is always clear for your customer to know what they need to do next with a highlighted next priority block, which can also contain a simple call-to-action.

Focus on what customer needs to do next | Scope

New task page with focus on essential information and a clear call to action

Fully redesigned task page with removal of any noise that could overwhelm your customer, focusing on essential information and clear action they need to do.

New task page with focus on essential information and a clear call to action | Scope

Call to Action on task cards

This is another way to show your customer a clear and simple action they need to do from their list of tasks. If a task is something straightforward, such as scheduling a meeting, uploading files, reading documentation, signing a contract, etc., they can simply click on the button and start to do it.

Call to Action on task cards | Scope

Helpful Resources and new Resources page

New page with resources useful for onboarding projects. Attach links, presentations, product demo videos, or other relevant materials.

Mark some resources as Helpful to highlight them on customer home page, ensuring they are always visible for easier reference.

Helpful Resources and new Resources page | Scope
July 9, 2024

Comprehensive HubSpot integration

Comprehensive HubSpot integration

Easily connect and configure HubSpot integration

Generic project management tools require complex configuration and developer resources to connect with your CRM. With Scope, in just a few clicks, anyone can connect your HubSpot account and select which onboarding project data you want to stream to HubSpot. Scope connects projects with HubSpot deals, creates properties that will always be up-to-date, and allows you to use them in any part of your CRM.

Easily connect and configure HubSpot integration

Create a new project and connect it to HubSpot deal

Now, when you create a new project, you can select a company and deal directly from HubSpot and start streaming this project's properties, activity, and messages to the HubSpot deal.

Create a new project and connect it to HubSpot deal

Full onboarding project visibility inside your HubSpot

Scope can send a variety of project properties and signals into your HubSpot for comprehensive visibility:

  • Project status and owners;
  • Project start date, target date, and duration;
  • Project progress, including the number of blocked tasks on your side or the customer's side;
  • Latest activity date of your team and customer.

Additionally, we set up a very useful CRM card with all the details about the onboarding project, which is located on the deal page in the right sidebar.

Full onboarding project visibility inside your HubSpot

Streaming onboarding project activities and conversations into your deal

Based on your configuration of HubSpot integration, you can start streaming all communication inside the project into your deal activity. All these messages will be correctly associated with your deals, companies, and contacts. All your onboarding conversations are now stored in your CRM because of Scope. You can easily find all messages from your customer inside your customer or contact card.

Additionally, you can also stream project activity into deal. You will see important information in your deal activity, such as:

  • Project status and timeframe changes;
  • Tasks marked as started, done, blocked, or changed to any other status;
  • Tasks with changed start or due dates.
Streaming onboarding project activities and conversations into your deal

Sync Companies and their contacts

When you add a company from your HubSpot into Scope, it will start automatically syncing, including all the company's contacts. There is no need to update it manually. It will always be up-to-date in Scope.

June 20, 2024

Dashboards for comprehensive project visibility

All project information, progress, latest customer engagement, and activity in one place

Now, you don't need to open each project individually to understand what is going on. On the dashboard view, you can see everything you need about projects:

  • Project owners, customer users, and their latest engagement;
  • Detailed progress and highlighting blockers inside projects;
  • Project age, target date, and other important project dates;
  • Your team's and customers' last activity.

You can customize the view as needed: hide data you don't need, sort by any column, and rearrange table columns.

All project information, progress, latest customer engagement, and activity in one place

Highlighted Projects Metrics

To control important metrics of your projects, we display a set of widgets with aggregated project information. Now you can use widgets such as:

  • Number of projects by status;
  • Delayed projects;
  • Average project age;
  • Projects going live next week/2 weeks/month/3 months.

All widgets are interactive, and you can easily click on a widget to filter projects. For example, to filter projects going live soon or those that are delayed.

Highlighted Projects Metrics

Filter projects easily to find what you need

Find projects by owner, project status, or template. Additionally, you can use filter by any project dates. For example:

  • Find all projects where customers were active this week;
  • Find all projects that were closed last quarter.
Filter projects easily to find what you need

Additional views with tasks across all projects in one place

With Scope views, you don't need to open each project individually to find the required information. Scope provides a set of views that offer a clear understanding of what is happening inside projects. You can find such views with tasks across all projects:

  • Tasks in progress grouped by customers;
  • Pending tasks assigned to your team and customer;
  • Overdue tasks grouped by customers;
  • Tasks with upcoming deadlines;
  • Closed tasks.
Additional views with tasks across all projects in one place
April 23, 2024

Time tracking & project boards / email enhancements

Track billable or nonbillable project hours

Scope now allows you to seamlessly track time for onboarding projects or billable tasks. Time tracking can be utilized for internal efficiency tracking or reporting of billable hours.

Visibility of project / task hours can be customized to be customer-visible or kept internal-only.

Don't forget to add Tracked Time to your task card in the Display Settings of your board!

Track billable or nonbillable project hours

Customize column views

Want to configure your Onboarding project board based on phase, but want to hide the Post-GoLive phase? You can now hide columns directly from the Board view to keep clean visibility of your Project Board.

Customize column views

Display column progress

Scope now includes a progress bar to show the progress for all tasks within that Board column. Easily gauge the overall progress of an onboarding project phase!

Display column progress

Include a welcome message when sharing a project

Include a personalized or templated greeting message when sharing a new Scope project with company collaborators. When your collaborators are notified, they'll see the welcome message or initial call to action in email before they log in to Scope.

Click Save for later to convert this greeting message into a template for all future projects.

Include a welcome message when sharing a project

Enhanced emails allow direct chat replies

Scope now allows contributors to respond to chat notifications directly in email, without having to open Scope. Contributors can now update task status, respond to messages, or engage others via email notifications.

Enhanced emails allow direct chat replies
March 27, 2024

Easily integrate Scope into your workflow with Open API & Webhooks

Configure bi-directional integrations with Salesforce, Hubspot, JIRA, Slack, and other existing systems

Scope can seamlessly plug into your existing workflows and tech stack!

Integrate Scope with your existing systems using our Open API & Webhooks, to enable bi-directional connectivity with other systems and automation of task creation or updates. Setup steps are easy to follow, and the Scope Team can assist with any setup or support needs for your integrations.

You'll need:

  • Access to API settings of each existing system you want to connect to Scope (Salesforce, Hubspot, etc.)
  • Scope Unlimited licenses

Access API & Webhook Settings in Scope:

  • Locate API setup by clicking your Workspace Name in the top left corner, then Settings > API and webhooks.
  • Click New Integration to begin setup for a new system connection.

Create a new API Connection:

  • Enter Integration Name and Description and click Create.
  • On General Info tab, copy Access Token and paste into API setup of the other system (Hubspot, Salesforce, etc.).
  • Copy API Endpoint URL from the other system to paste into Scope.
  • Click Webhooks tab and click New webhook.
  • Paste the API Endpoint URL from the other system into the Target URL field in Scope.
  • Under Search Event, select the specific Scope actions for the other system to initiate.
Configure bi-directional integrations with Salesforce, Hubspot, JIRA, Slack, and other existing systems

Security is the priority

Create as many integrations as you need, each with unique permission settings. To ensure security of your data, Scopes are disabled by default. Once enabled, you'll have bi-directional data access for the specific Scope data fields.

On the Scopes tab, enable permissions to pertinent data / fields.

Security is the priority

Scope + Zapier and

Introducing Scope compatibility with Zapier and! Create automations in less than 10 minutes to sync Scope task activity with other systems.

Automations available for:

  • Salesforce
  • Google Apps (Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Forms & more)
  • Hubspot
  • Mailchimp

More Zapier integrations available on the Zapier App Integrations page.

Scope + Zapier and

The Scope Team will help with setup & support on your integrations

Trying to create a Zendesk ticket from a Scope chat? Create a Scope task from an account status change in Salesforce? Something else?

We've got you covered. Reach out to the Scope team for help with setting up and supporting integrations between Scope and other systems.

Troubleshooting & FAQs

  1. Do you have Developer API documentation?
    1. Developer documentation can be found using this link or in your Scope Settings.
  2. I connected my source system (Hubspot, Salesforce, etc.), but it no longer is syncing Scope data. What are troubleshooting steps I can take?
    1. If your data sync pauses, re-copy the Access Code & API EndPoint URL to re-set the data connection.
  3. There's a new integration or automation I'd like - can Scope build that for me?
    1. Reach out to the Scope Team for assistance with new integrations or automations!
March 15, 2024

Facilitate smooth onboarding task handoffs with internal-only tasks & messages

Consolidate your internal-only tasks & messages with your onboarding workflow

Facilitate seamless internal onboarding workflows by creating internal-only or hidden process tasks & messages within your customer project workflow.

  • Hidden Tasks are highlighted yellow and invisible to your customer users, allowing for easy internal handoffs, process steps, or reminders.
  • Hidden Messages allow for effective internal-only discussions on customer-specific onboarding tasks.
Consolidate your internal-only tasks & messages with your onboarding workflow

Configure hidden fields to control task visibility

Configure any task field to be internal-only or read-only fields for customers, to enable balanced visibility of task information between your internal & customer users.

Configure hidden fields to control task visibility

Monitor project engagement through task & page views

Track team engagement by identifying the last time team members have viewed project pages or individual tasks.

Monitor project engagement through task & page views
February 29, 2024

Easily integrate Scope into your workflow with Open API & Webhooks

Drive customer progress through actionable email notifications

Improve communication & project momentum by keeping customer users informed on project changes & next steps.

  • Take action - Reply or quickly update task status directly from delivered email notifications, without being prompted to log back into Scope.
  • Flexible timing options - Send initial notification after 15 minutes, and reminders after 1, 3, or 7 days. Choose whether to send or shift weekend updates.
  • Avoid email spam - Scope combines multiple notifications including effective level of detail on each task or update.
Drive customer progress through actionable email notifications

Notification Types

  • Unread mentions quickly identifies where users have been engaged in direct messages, project updates, or general chats.
  • Unread messages in chats provide visibility of general discussions happening across projects or general chats.
  • Task assigned informs users quickly when project actions are required.
  • Task blockers quickly flag roadblocks or issues holding up project progress.
Notification Types

Enable alignment on crucial tasks

Keep project team members at each customer informed & accountable when tasks are due soon or overdue.

Enable alignment on crucial tasks

Automatically send a weekly summary of overall onboarding project progress & next steps

Provide customer & internal project participants with an automatic weekly status update with project developments, upcoming tasks & blockers. Note weekly notifications are disabled by default to ensure no unintended emails are sent.

Automatically send a weekly summary of overall onboarding project progress & next stepsAutomatically send a weekly summary of overall onboarding project progress & next steps
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